Jacob’s big straight as an arrow shlong

jacob sean cody 06

“I was actually the biggest nerd around.” That was how Jacob described himself in elementary and middle school. By high school, though, things had changed a bit. “I kind of perked up a little sophomore and junior year,” he explained. I’m guessing that his huge dick finally grew in, the other guys saw it in the shower, and word got around! Having a hot body and being on the soccer team probably didn’t hurt either. Jacob is now 22, and he’s just starting law school. He started doing personal training in order to help pay for those outrageous tuition bills. He doesn’t have a girlfriend currently, which really surprised me. “I’m not really ready to settle down yet,” he said. “Maybe after I’m done with school.” I hope that when he’s ready he finds a girl who likes her men big! Did I mention that Jacob is sporting a huge cock?


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