Jeff and John identical twins with different cocks

jeff john sean cody twins 728

Twins! Jeff and John are identical twins who just turned 19 years old. Jeff is the one with the longer hair. John’s hair is shorter. I’ve often wondered what it would be like to have a twin. Would it be weird seeing yourself every day? And would you even get along? That doesn’t seem to be a problem with these two. I’ve known many sets of twins, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen any as connected as these two. We took them out to dinner and they would occasionally, out of the blue, look at each other and laugh. It was like they had an inside-joke-telepathy thing going on or something. They both identify as straight and say they haven’t done anything sexual together (yet). But they have discussed it. The interesting thing about Jeff and John is that even though they are identical, their cocks are not. Jeff’s is longer and curves to his right, while John’s is shorter and straighter. I think that John is the more curious of the two. I caught him sneaking quite a few glances at his brother while they were getting themselves off!



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