Brick Danger has something undeniably attractive going on

Brick Danger’s face is not exactly the definition of handsomeness but he has something undeniably sexy or let say attractive going on. But why is that!? Firstly he is white as fuck…that kind of skin tan is not really attractive for guys, he also has tons of freckles which is also in general less appealing attribute. Brick Danger is also short or at best of an average height with let say quite well defined torso (abs). Down side of his torso is his chest because it looks a bit like tities. 🙂

brick danger straight porn actor in gay or bisexual porn

Brick Danger is adorable

OK. Brick Danger is no metro-sexual or equivalent to that but his feet need some pedicure to get rid of that hard skin 🙂 but for real natural footie lovers that read this stuff right now will enjoy them such as they are shown in gallery bellow. Now lets stop with negative aspects for a sec. 🙂 The things on Brick Danger that absolutely do not need any criticism are his uncut nicely sized sausage and his furry butt. Mentioning his butt….that monkey ass needs to be rimmed soon….it doesn’t matter if it gets munched by a woman or a man. 🙂 At this point let’s take the opportunity to ask You – the readers if there is an existing video of his ass getting licked/rimmed/eaten. Send your valued info by twitter, contact form or so…pretty please. 🙂

In a conclusion, Brick Danger to our knowledge didn’t do any solo jerk off video, the closest thing to gay porn was his appearance for hazehim video where he’s seen as one of agitators who force dudes into gay stuff. 🙂 So if you get any info on his “gayer” video, please make a contact! Till something more appropriate for gay porn lovers surfaces you can check some of his str8 porn videos by clicking on the link bellow!


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