British hunk Monty Cash apologizes to straight men

Monty Cash apologizes to his straight members because of this solo video which is targeted for his women and gay fans. This solo video update from his personal site is titled as no.1 so we are hoping for the second one in a near future. We still cannot decide if Monty Cash is hot or an average looking chap because on some video stills he looks so weird and far from attractive. His face in profile is so much better than in frontal.

monty cash straight for gay video porn preview solo uncut cock male feet (9) monty cash straight for gay video porn preview solo uncut cock male feet (10)

Monty definitely has ugly/rat eyes without eye lashes and there are way to many stupid looking tattoos all over – to be honest – his sexy body. But…even though he doesn’t sport a nice bubble butt and he looks like he doesn’t work out so much his body is attractive…fuck it! 🙂 His main attribute is obviously his above average uncut dick leaking precum all over the 20 minute video and his sexy Brit accent. Enjoy the video and photo gallery!


P.S. Maybe he should also apologize for that crazy loud cum eating chick/camera girl. 🙂

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