Coach Derek Jones instructed Kyle Dean to fuck him!

Kyle Dean has his physique competition coming up and needed some quick coaching for the final few weeks. Derek Jones has been lifting for years and has built many champions with his incredible training program. Coach always knows best and had Kyle Dean do some of his regular proven poses. Derek knew Kyle really wanted to win, so coach asked him he he’d do whatever it took to win. Kyle of course agreed and was super jacked on Derek’s professional help & advice. That’s when Derek started to get a little fresh with Kyle and had him strip naked.


He grabbed Kyle’s dick and asked him if he had been taking his supplements. Kyle said, “yes coach.” So Derek got to his knees and said, I’m about to find out if you’re lying to me. Derek instructed Kyle to fuck him which would make his dick stronger. Finally, Kyle would brew up that final protein shake so coach could taste him. Coach wanted to make sure he’s filled with all his vitamins & would take first. Hot scene for the gym rats.


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