Meet two hot hung Brazilians Otavio and Lauro!

The models Otavio and Lauro were so comfortable behind the scenes on the day of the rehearsal that they ended up giving a third winter test in double. They were very relaxed, smiling and with an immense desire that everything would be perfect. The result is in the photos and the two making of videos.

Mundomais Garoto Mais Lauro Otavio Solo Masturbation Behind The Scene Big Uncut Brazilian Cocks Hairy Legs 1

Otavio is simply a thesaurus, I have had the opportunity to be with him sometimes he is very polite and knows very well how to leave you at ease. His body is a delight and the perfect dowry I hope to soon be with him again. (Ka)

Mundomais Garoto Mais Lauro Otavio Solo Masturbation Behind The Scene Big Uncut Brazilian Cocks Hairy Legs 2

The two have huge potential to be a porn star, but the one with the bigger dick (Otavio I think) is out of the ordinary. He has a mysterious way that makes you want to know more. Please make a cinesex with it! The site is going to rock. (Fellype)


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