Photoshoot of Clark Eckhart!

Since you all reacted quite well to Clark Eckhart back in March, we decided to invite him back for a photosession, so we stuck him on a train down to Budapest to meet up with Eliot. Blond hair, Adonis’ body and laughing blue eyes certainly add to a very sexy package here… Clark obviously spends a lot of time working on his body and seems totally at ease stripping off in front of the cameraman, and whoever else happens to be around. For a bit of variety Eliot decided to give this shoot a little bit of a golf theme


Perfect male! Charming, handsome and very sexy! Nice face and great body! What such a stunning chest and nipplles!!! WOW!!! Hope not just a tease…Please will you fix your smileys… sometimes they plays and others not…(otrebor)


Perfect. And if you do get him back, please, please, please… don’t shave his beautiful rump! (tifame66)


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