Cheerleader guy Dean plows Tate on chair, stairs and floor

Dean’s stretched man-hole gets a little rest in this update. Instead of Dean we have Tate to bottom. Tate grew some serious muscles since his comeback. He must be still on steroids or something ’cause you can see all the acnes covering his body (HD is effing cruel) .

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The highlight of the scene is most likely the stair fuck (it should be longer but we guess it was difficult for performers to shoot in that position). And also last cum-shot part of the scene is worthy a “rewind” when Dean’s smears his cum around Tate’s rectum and the way he does it (in a squatting position). Some nice foot/feet video captures BTW. 🙂

Sean Cody dean tate bareback gay porn sex cumshot asshole feet soles (1)

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Sean Cody dean tate bareback gay porn sex cumshot asshole feet soles (2)


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