Pavel Novotny aka Max Orloff JO video

Pavel Novotný (born Jaroslav Jirík; 5 February 1977) is a Czech pornographic film actor and magazine model who has appeared in gay, bisexual and heterosexual films. Novotný won the 2002 Adult Erotic Gay Video Awards (“Grabbys”) Editors Choice Award for Best International Actor for his role in The Jan Dvorak Story (William Higgins Productions). (source: wikipedia)

In March 2009 Mr. Jirik was arrested at the Havana airport in Cuba, with a traveling companion named Zdeněk Tovara, reportedly a male prostitute, for, among other things, insulting Cuban leaders Fidel Castro and Raul Castro. Their trial was in November 2009. They faced five years in Cuban prison. Entertainer George Michael supplied legal and financial aid for them until they were released to the Czech Republic in May 2010. (source: wikipedia)




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