Rick Day’s ‘Art Collection’: Torsten Ullman & Nils Tatum!

As our Summer Break image set’s come only every 2nd week, this is the penultimate set that we have for you. Two of our blond gods, Torsten Ulmann and newcomer Nils Tatum are in front of the camera for Rick Day today.

BelAmi Torsten Ullman Nils Tatum European Gay Porn Blonde Guys Big Uncut Cocks Rick Days Art Collection Photoshoot Male Feet Flaccid Dick 1

Both guys are at their physical peak here, tall and statuesque, and Rick Day fully utilizes all areas of the castle and gardens for this shoot.

BelAmi Torsten Ullman Nils Tatum European Gay Porn Blonde Guys Big Uncut Cocks Rick Days Art Collection Photoshoot Male Feet Flaccid Dick 2

I am not sure of the reason why, overwork, nerves, session taking too long, but for whatever reason the boys missed their ‘money shot’ for this shoot (don’t worry, we still paid them) but we thought it was still fine to bring to you without.. We will see the pair of them together in a scene fairly soon anyhow.

BelAmi Torsten Ullman Nils Tatum European Gay Porn Blonde Guys Big Uncut Cocks Rick Days Art Collection Photoshoot Male Feet Flaccid Dick stills

Torsten and Nils are two unquestionable handsome boys. Since my day one at BelAmiOnLine, Torsten used to be my favorite “god” and by far but now, I have to consider Nils as a serious contender… But hey… Nothing and nobody forbid to love two “blond gods of gay sex” at the same time. To me, they both are very close to perfection !! Thank you GEORGE for creating such a beautiful dilemma!!! AGREED ?? But for now, Torsten IS Torsten. (Mike75630)


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