Prankster 3: Morgan Blake fucks Thyle Knoxx!

Thyle Knoxx is loving Paul Canon’s pranks and wants in on the action. This prank involves fake cumming on random guys then running away. His first victim, Morgan Blake, catches him and discovers the cum is fake but lucky for Thyle now he wants the real thing.

MEN Prankster 3 Morgan Blake Fucks Thyle Knoxx Gay Condom Sex Male Feet Bearded Guy Big Uncut Cock Massive Cumshot 1

I don’t completely get this concept of this porn (It seems like “Ha ha, you fucked me, I’m not gay though, it’s just a prank, bro!”, which is kind of silly funny), but this pairing seems pretty hot. (Young Neil)

MEN Prankster 3 Morgan Blake Fucks Thyle Knoxx Gay Condom Sex Male Feet Bearded Guy Big Uncut Cock Massive Cumshot 2

Thyle is such a cute and enthusiastic performer! Why can’t they hire more guys like him and not boring G4Ps from Stockbar that refuse to do anything? (tst tst)

Thyle is super hot. He should be in more updates instead of Paul. Is Marko Lebeau the first one, right? I kinda liked him. (DaveAtom)

MEN Prankster 3 Morgan Blake Fucks Thyle Knoxx Gay Condom Sex Male Feet Bearded Guy Big Uncut Cock Massive Cumshot stills

I am really liking Thyle and this Morgan guy is pretty hot too. (gaycockluvr)

Morgan Blake is SO fucking hot. (ffviimidgar)

Morgan and Thyle would look much better without that facial hair. (andrew)


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