Michael bust a nut on a bed & in the shower!

Michael is 28 and single. he came from Hungary, in East Europe; country of the most cute sport guys in Europe 😉 – When he came to do the massage video, he wasn’t in good condition, because he never made this kind of video.

Keumgay Michael aka Mickael Solo Masturbation Helping Hand Shower Hairy Legs Male Feet Hungarian Guy

For him, it was strange to let a guy to give him a (good) massage for a solo-wank video. But he said why not.  When i began the massage around his dick, as you can see, he came really quickly horny and very excited!

Keumgay Michael aka Mickael Solo Masturbation Helping Hand Shower Hairy Legs Male Feet Hungarian Guy stills

I’ve  met Michael in a sport club. For me, it’s the best place to find some cute great building body guys and this time, I’ve found the most exciting guy of the year, I’m 100 % sure that is THE Keumgay model of the year. When i meet Michael, he was doing his sport. I waited for he has finished and goes to take his shower to ask him about  to do video for me.


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